Jelly Roll Morton, Inventor Of Jazz, Online Book by Alan Lomax

with Some sheet music & lyrics.

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Diamonds Pinned to My Underwear
, . . She left Frisco one night and went to Seattle with­out telling me that she was leaving. Then she wired me to come on and join her or she would go on to Alaska without me. That scared me. I was afraid 1 could never find her in Alaska, so 1 left The Jupiter fust as it was and caught the next train for the state of Washington. Anita met me with a smile, "I didn't want to go to Alaska, baby5 just wanted you here."
On the streets of Seattle I ran into Ed Montgomery, an old New Orleans sporting-life friend. Ed was now a big-time gambling man and he brought me into those circles and I started losing money. About the time I got down to my last dime Will Bowman asked me to bring a band into his cabaret in Vancouver, Canada. I sent for Radio, my trombone-playing friend who lived in Oakland. (Poor Radio, he's dead now, never got East so none of the critics ever heard him, but that boy, if he heard a tune, would just start making all kind of snakes around it nobody ever heard before.) i also brought in Oscar Holden, who was no hot man, but played plenty straight clarinet. I had good men, but somehow that cabaret didn't do so good. Folks there didn't understand American-style caba­rets. So I took a trio into The Regent Hotel—Doc Hutchinson out of Baltimore on drums and Horace Eubanks,* a beautiful hot clarinet from East St. Louis, who had learned from New Orleans men. It cost my boss $5000 to get Horace across the border, but he was worth it. The Regent did a hell of a business and the other places started ringing hot men in.
Patty Sullivan, The Regent owner, was a big-time gambler.
* Jelly Roll later used him in a recording session. See Appendix II.